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Nigeria For The German Football League

Siren Forever photographed a tour through Lagos, Nigeria, for PLAYYA Nigeria, Modest Department and the Bundesliga - The Official German Football League.

SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football
SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football
SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football

The Deutsche Football League collaborates with PLAY!YA, a local Nigerian NGO that supports football in disenfranchised neighbourhoods. The league donated supplies for the youth who play the game with any resources that they can find.

SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football

Lagos is a sprawling capital with over 20 million people. Football unites the population and is one of the biggest audiences of the German Football League.

SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football
SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football

In addition to the football shoot, we made images around the city with our local guide Eze from PLAYYA Nigeria, who took us to his childhood neighbourhood and introduced us to his friends and family.

SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football
SIREN Lagos Nigeria Bundesliga Siren Creatives Football


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